Euronext Growth Paris – Brussels
Ticker: ALLAM
Articles 6 to 13 of the law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings are applicable to any natural person or legal entity that acquires, directly or indirectly, securities of the company conferring voting rights.
Such persons or entities must notify the company of such acquisition if they exceed the percentages of 25%, 30%, 50% 75% or 95% of the total voting rights existing at the time of the situation giving rise to the notification.
The same notification must be made in the event of a direct or indirect transfer of securities if, as a result of this transfer of securities if, as a result of such transfer, the voting rights fall below one of the of the above-mentioned thresholds.
Notifications should be sent to the following e-mail address:
Please find the Transparency Declaration (2021)
Please find the Transparency Declaration (2020)
Route de Lennik, 451
1070 Brussels